Alef Kabbalah 5774
(Sept 2013 - 2014)
The Alef Kabbala Group (3 September 2013) studied a discourse by the Lubavitcher Rebbe taught in 1966 on the Shabbat of Sedra Haazinu, which like this year, was the Shabbat after Rosh Hashana, Shabbat Shuva. The theme of the discourse is the opening phrase of Psalm 130 'Shir Hamalot, a Song of ascents, from the depths I call You..'. The 'depths' are the depths of the individual and the depths of the Divine. A fascinating teaching... To see the pointed Hebrew text of the discourse click here , and for the audio file, click to download or click icon to play.

The Alef Kabbala Group (10 September 2013) studied a discourse by the Lubavitcher Rebbe taught in 1966 on Shabbat Shuva. This discourse explores the theme of Teshuvah (Repentance) as the joining of two Divine Names, one expressing fragmentation (Elokim) and the other (Hashem) expressing unity. This is the inner meaning of the declaration 'Hashem is Elokim' said seven times at Neilah, the climactic finale of Yom Kippur. To see the pointed Hebrew text of the discourse click here , and for the audio file, click to download or click icon to play.

The Alef Kabbala Group (17 September 2013) studied a discourse by the Lubavitcher Rebbe taught in 1966 during the Festival of Succot, describing the intense joy of Succot in terms of the spiritual revelations on Yom Kippur. To see the pointed Hebrew text of the discourse click here , and for the audio file, click to download or click icon to play.

The Alef Kabbala Group (1 October 2013) studied a discourse by the Lubavitcher Rebbe taught in 1966 on Shabbat Parshat Noah, which was Rosh Chodesh, as it is this year. In the time of the Messiah, every Shabbat and Rosh Chodesh will be times of pilgrimage to Jerusalem. The discourse explains the goals of daily existence and the special atmosphere of Shabbat, Rosh Chodesh and the Festivals, now and in the future. To see the pointed Hebrew text of the discourse click here , and for the audio file, click to download or click icon to play.

The Alef Kabbala Group (8 October 2013) studied a discourse by the Lubavitcher Rebbe taught in 1984 on Shabbat Parshat Lech Lecha. This discusses the circumcision of Abraham and its relation to his being 'the father of many nations'. The discourse discusses the relationship of Jew to non-Jew and the special quality of the proselyte to Judaism. To see the pointed Hebrew text of the discourse click here , and for the audio file, click to download or click icon to play.

The Alef Kabbala Group (22 October 2013) studied a discourse by the Lubavitcher Rebbe taught in 1984 for Parshat Chayei Sarah. This discusses the idea that G-d blessed Abraham 'in everything'. What does that mean? That he gained mastery over his desires. The discourse explores this concept in a fascinating way. To see the pointed Hebrew text of the discourse click here , and for the audio file, click to download or click icon to play.

The Alef Kabbala Group (29 October 2013) studied a discourse by the Lubavitcher Rebbe taught in 1986 on the Shabbat of Toledot, which was later edited by the Rebbe. This explores the idea that Yitzhak planted and reaped a hundredfold. The concept of 'planting' is discussed on spiritual levels. To see the pointed Hebrew text of the discourse click here , and for the audio file, click to download or click icon to play.

The Alef Kabbala Group (12 November 2013) studied a discourse by the Lubavitcher Rebbe taught in 1966 on the Shabbat of Vayishlach. This has the theme that Torah study helps maintain the world in existence. To see the pointed Hebrew text of the discourse click here , and for the audio file, click to download or click icon to play.

The Alef Kabbala Group (19 November 2013) studied a discourse by the Lubavitcher Rebbe taught in 1966 on 19 Kislev, the 'Rosh Hashana of Hasidism' on the theme of redeeming the soul from exile. To see the pointed Hebrew text of the discourse click here , and for the audio file, click to download or click icon to play.

The Alef Kabbala Group (10 December 2013) studied a discourse by the Lubavitcher Rebbe taught in 1966 for Sedra Vayechi. The theme is the journey of the Soul into This World in order to 'live'. To see the pointed Hebrew text of the discourse click here , and for the audio file, click to download or click icon to play.

The Alef Kabbala Group (17 December 2013) studied a discourse by the Lubavitcher Rebbe taught in 1968 for Sedra Shemot. G-d says "Who gave a mouth to man?" What does this mean? To see the pointed Hebrew text of the discourse click here , and for the audio file, click to download or click icon to play.

The Alef Kabbala Group (14 January 2014) studied a discourse by the Lubavitcher Rebbe taught in 1984 for Sedra Yitro. Why were there such dramatic phenomena - thunder, lightning, the sound of the Shofar - at the time of the Giving of the Torah? Because then the Essence of the Divine was being revealed. To see the pointed Hebrew text of the discourse click here , and for the audio file, click to download or click icon to play.

Divine was being revealed. To see the pointed Hebrew text of the discourse click here , and for the audio file, click to download or click icon to play.

The Alef Kabbala Group (21 January 2014) studied a discourse by the Lubavitcher Rebbe taught in 1967 for Sedra Mishpatim. Expounding a verse concerning giving charity, this teaching discusses our deepest goals: away from the world, or into the world? To see the pointed Hebrew text of the discourse click here , and for the audio file, click to download or click icon to play.

The Alef Kabbala Group (28 January 2014) studied a discourse by the Lubavitcher Rebbe taught in 1984 for Sedra Terumah. This was Shabbat Rosh Chodesh, and the discourse concerns verses in the special Haftorah for that day: 'The Heaven is My throne, and the Earth is My footstool'. What do these mysterious statements mean? To see the pointed Hebrew text of the discourse click here , and for the audio file, click to download or click icon to play.

The Alef Kabbala Group (3 February 2014) studied a discourse by the Lubavitcher Rebbe taught in 1967 for Sedra Tetzaveh. This concerns the Golden Altar used for incense, described at the end of the Sedra. The discourse discusses its meaning in terms of the inner relationship of the individual with the Divine. To see the pointed Hebrew text of the discourse click here , and for the audio file, click to download or click icon to play.

The Alef Kabbala Group (10 February 2014) studied a discourse by the Lubavitcher Rebbe taught in 1967 for Sedra Ki Tisa. Since this was round the time of Purim Katan (the minor Purim, in the first Adar) as this year, the discourse concerns the theme of Purim. According to the Talmud, it was at the time of the Purim story that the Jewish people really accepted the Torah, through their dedication to G-d. To see the pointed Hebrew text of the discourse click here , and for the audio file, click to download or click icon to play.

The Alef Kabbala Group (24 February 2014) studied a discourse by the Lubavitcher Rebbe taught in 1967 for Sedra Pekudei, when the Chapter on Shekalim was read from a second Torah Scroll. This chapter concerns counting the Jewish people, and that is the theme of this intriguing discourse. To see the pointed Hebrew text of the discourse click here , and for the audio file, click to download or click icon to play.

The Alef Kabbala Group (4 March 2014) studied a discourse by the Lubavitcher Rebbe taught on Purim in 1957. This presents a very profound perspective on the Megila. To see the pointed Hebrew text of the discourse click here , and for the audio file, click to download or click icon to play.

The Alef Kabbala Group (11 March 2014) studied a discourse by the Lubavitcher Rebbe taught on Purim in 1967. This has a a fascinating image of a spiral stairase indicating alternative illumination and concealment as one climbs higher. To see the pointed Hebrew text of the discourse click here , and for the audio file, click to download or click icon to play.

The Alef Kabbala Group (18 March 2014) studied a discourse by the Lubavitcher Rebbe taught on Shabbat Parshat Parah in 1984. The purification procedure with the Red Cow is presented as a model for our global service of the Divine and the purpose of Creation. To see the pointed Hebrew text of the discourse click here , and for the audio file, click to download or click icon to play.

The Alef Kabbala Group (25 March 2014) studied a discourse by the Lubavitcher Rebbe taught on the Shabbat when the New Moon of Nissan is blessed, Parshat HaChodesh, in 1967. This explores the concept of the New Moon in spiritual terms. To see the pointed Hebrew text of the discourse click here , and for the audio file, click to download or click icon to play.

The Alef Kabbala Group (30 April 2014) studied a discourse by the Lubavitcher Rebbe taught on the Shabbat of Parshat Emor, when the second chapter of Pirkei Avot is studied. The discourse focuses on the opening statement in this chapter: Rabbi [Judah the Prince] says - what is the straight path a person should choose...? The discourse provides a fascinating discussion. To see the pointed Hebrew text of the discourse click here , and for the audio file, click to download or click icon to play.

The Alef Kabbala Group (6 May 2014) studied a discourse by the Lubavitcher Rebbe taught on the Shabbat of Parshat Behar-Bechukotai, 1987. This discusses the spiritual and practical improvements that a person should seek during the period of Counting the Omer, as a preparation for the Giving of the Torah on Shavuot, making the person 'radiant'. To see the pointed Hebrew text of the discourse click here , and for the audio file, click to download or click icon to play.

The Alef Kabbala Group (13 May 2014) studied a discourse by the Lubavitcher Rebbe taught on the Shabbat of Parshat Bechukotai, 1984. This presents the role of the Jew, through thought, speech and action of the Mitzvot, combined with effort in study and application of the Torah, to bring about the Redemption, the primeval purpose of all existence. To see the pointed Hebrew text of the discourse click here , and for the audio file, click to download or click icon to play.

The Alef Kabbala Group (20 May 2014) studied a discourse by the Lubavitcher Rebbe taught on the Shabbat of Parshat Bemidbar , 1967. This quotes a story from the Zohar about a time when there was a drought and Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai taught Torah and through that the rain began to fall. This begins a profound discussion, culminating in a striking teaching on Moses' original goal for the Jewish people. To see the pointed Hebrew text of the discourse click here , and for the audio file, click to download or click icon to play.

The Alef Kabbala Group (27 May 2014) studied a discourse by the Lubavitcher Rebbe taught on Shavuot, 1967. This explores the question why 'G-d descended onto Mount Sinai' to give the Torah rather than the Jewish people ascending the mountain. The answer has to do with the very nature of Torah and the purpose of Creation. To see the pointed Hebrew text of the discourse click here , and for the audio file, click to download or click icon to play.

The Alef Kabbala Group (10 June 2014) studied a discourse by the Lubavitcher Rebbe taught on Shabbat of Sedra Shelach, 1987. This explores the account of the Libations to be offered in the Temple, commanded in the Sedra. How do the Libations relate to the general Temple Offerings? While the offerings seek to ascend to the Divine,the Libations express the movemnt downwards, into the world. This parallels the distinction between the Shema (ascent towards G-d) and Tefilin (drawing G-dliness into the world). To see the pointed Hebrew text of the discourse click here , and for the audio file, click to download or click icon to play.

The Alef Kabbala Group (17 June 2014) studied a discourse by the Lubavitcher Rebbe taught on Shabbat of Sedra Korach, 1967. Ethics of the Fathers terms the conflict with Korach 'a conflict not for the sake of Heaven', unlike the disagreements of Hillel and Shamai which were really 'for the sake of Heaven'. The discourse explores the meaning of these ideas in terms of the deeper goals of Creation. To see the pointed Hebrew text of the discourse click here , and for the audio file, click to download or click icon to play.

The Alef Kabbala Group (25 June 2014) studied a discourse by the Lubavitcher Rebbe taught on Shabbat of Sedra Chukat, 1967. This was Rosh Chodesh, and the discourse focus on the concluding verse of the Haftorah, which says that in the time of the Messiah, every Shabbat and every Rosh Chodesh all will come to the Temple in Jerusalem. The discourse discusses this idea, and the spiritual nature of the Redemption, when all will be possible. To see the pointed Hebrew text of the discourse click here , and for the audio file, click to download or click icon to play.

The Alef Kabbala Group (1 July 2014, 3 Tammuz) studied the last edited discourse by the Lubavitcher Rebbe in honour of his 20th Yarzeit. This discourse was originally taught for Sedra Tetzaveh in 1981, and was later edited by the Rebbe in February 1992 shortly before the stroke from which he never recovered, passing away two years later. The discourse aptly concerns the nature of Jewish leadership: how it connects the Jewish people to G-d, and inspires them both to self-sacrifice for Judaism and also to yearn for the ultimate Redemption. To see the pointed Hebrew text of the discourse click here , and for the audio file, click to download or click icon to play.

The Alef Kabbala Group (8 July 2014) studied a discourse by the Lubavitcher Rebbe said on Shabbat of Sedra Pinchas in 1967. This emphasises the sense of spiritual interaction with the Divine in daily prayer and Torah study. To see the pointed Hebrew text of the discourse click here , and for the audio file, click to download or click icon to play.

The Alef Kabbala Group (9 September 2014) studied a discourse by the Lubavitcher Rebbe said on Shabbat of Sedra Ki Tavo in 1967. Focusing on a verse in the Sedra which speaks of 'Your people' and 'Israel', which is understood as meaning the simple people as contrasting with the scholars, the discourse emphasises the greatness of the simple people. To see the pointed Hebrew text of the discourse click here , and for the audio file, click to download or click icon to play.

The Alef Kabbala Group (16 September 2014) studied a discourse by the Lubavitcher Rebbe said on Shabbat of Sedra Nitzavim-Vayelech in 1967. This opens with the verse "If your scattered one will be at the ends of the heavens, from there G-d will gather you" (Deut.30:4). The discourse raises the question why this is in the singular. The answer is because each one of us is 'scattered', in a spiritual sense. G-d helps us gather ourselves together and be redeemed...To see the pointed Hebrew text of the discourse click here , and for the audio file, click to download or click icon to play.

The Alef Kabbala Group (23 September 2014) studied a discourse by the Lubavitcher Rebbe said on the second day of Rosh Hashanah in 1967. This opens with a passage from the Rosh Hashana prayers 'And it will be on that day, that a Great Shofar will sound..'. Why the 'great' Shofar? Will it sound by itself? This discourse relates to the beginning of the 'Baal Teshuvah' movement, following the Rebbe's initiatives *(such as the Tefilin campaign) and the Six Day War. To see the pointed Hebrew text of the discourse click here , and for the audio file, click to download or click icon to play.

The Alef Kabbala Group (6 October 2014) studied a discourse by the Lubavitcher Rebbe said on the second day of Succot in 1967. This opens with a passage from the Mishnah 'One who makes his Succah under a tree is like someone making his Succah in a house'. This becomes the basis for a subtle exploration of the nature of the Succah. To see the pointed Hebrew text of the discourse click here , and for the audio file, click to download or click icon to play.

The Alef Kabbala Group (21 October 2014) studied a discourse by the Lubavitcher Rebbe said on the Shabbat of Bereishit in 1967. This starts with the words "And the heavens and earth and all within them were completed.." (Gen.2:1). The discourse gives three meanings for 'completed' and shows how these are really three dimensions of life. They are: Nature, serving G-d, and a delight granted by G-d which transcends everything. To see the pointed Hebrew text of the discourse click here , and for the audio file, click to download or click icon to play.